Monday, March 17, 2008

Tennis Trauma

The woes of my tennis teams are piling up like hits to the website where Elliott Spitzer hired hookers.

Last Saturday, my 3.0 team was crushed 4-1 by the North Parker led by Alf Lismanis. That dropped our record to 2-2 and raised the possibility we will miss the playoffs for the first time since 1999. My partner Mark and I got the only victory. Kudos to Sonny Boy and Jeff Johnson for putting up a heroic fight as last-second additions to the team. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

On the 3.5 level, we were destroyed 5-0 by the superteam captained by Ed Seier. We won so few games that our set scores looked like the starting lineup of a women's basketball team: 6-0, 6-1, 6-2, etc. That leaves us 0-2, but confident that we won't play any team this good the rest of the season.

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