My manhood received a tough test last night and I passed with flying colors: I attended a sing-along version of ``Mamma Mia'' with four women (plus Steve) and walked out with all my testosterone intact.
Long-time readers of this blog know that I am a big fan of Abba (an Abban?) and I have been dying to see ``Mamma Mia.'' The Garland Theater in Spokane is one of those $3 second-run movie houses, and they have been playing a version of the movie that includes the lyrics of the songs printed on the bottom of the screen.
This was all great fun, especially as we smuggled rum in and mixed it with Cokes to enhance our singing.
No everyone is comfortable letting their softer side show. When Bill at work found out where I was going, he suggested I stand up before the movie and demand that all ``the real men'' in the audience follow me across the street to a bar. Bill obviously has deeper issues than Benny-and-Bjorn-phobia.
Ann had an excellent time with her friends Min, Cathy and (uber-cook) Marcy. Afte
rwards we went to dinner at the appropriately named Mamma Mia restaurant.

The photo at right shows me in a manlier moment from last summer.
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